Photo Albums

How to Create a New Photo Album

Each photo album within the Egyptoligical Magazine is a post, so create a new post as usual and give it a title, usually a title which includes the name of the photographer.   You can include some text in the page to describe the album, but the format works better if this is brief.

Adding Images

Next add the images.  If you select multiple image they will automatically be added as a “gallery” (which is WordPress term for a collection of attached images). You can do these either by selecting multiple images at one go, or by clicking on “Select Images” again after loading an image until all your images are loaded.  Click to Save them.

Either before saving them, or afterwards before Inserting the gallery, “Show” each image and:

  • Set the size to Medium
  • Set alignment to Left
  • Add a suitable Caption and Description

When you have finished, save the changes and make sure the Gallery settings are correct:

  • Link thumbnails to should be set to File
  • Gallery columns should be set to 3

Click to Insert Gallery into the post.  (If you need to edit the gallery again, you need to be in Visual view.  Click on the gallery and an option to edit it will appear.)

Swap to HTML view and edit the gallery shortcode.  It will look something like this:

[gallery link=”file” orderby=”ID”]

If the link doesn’t say “file” you can change it now but the important thing is to add size=”medium” like this:

[gallery link=”file” orderby=”ID” size=”medium”]

Filing the Post Correctly

  1. Change the Category to be “Photo Albums” so that it appears in the correct section of the site
  2. Set the Format to be Gallery instead of Standard so that the correct format is shown when it is listed in archives
  3. You also  need to do at least one of the following (if you do neither, the album will be given a byline of your own WordPress username (e.g. Andie, Kate)):
  • add the photographers name to the Writer taxonomy for the post; and/or
  • set the author to be Admin


Publish the post and test that it has appeared in the list of Photo Albums.  (If it hasn’t, then you forgot to set the Category.) Check it works and looks OK.  The most likely changes will be changes to image descriptions.

Last modified: March 4th, 2011