Microsites & Menus

Egyptological Online comprises a main site and a web of linked microsites.  The site was developed on SiteHQ cloud hosting which does not allow sub-domains, and was developed before WP3.0 added Networks to WordPress functionality by combining WordPress MU (Multiuser) back into the core WordPress.  Kate Phizackerley developed custom functionality to hanlde micro-sites.  Our microsites therefore:

  • are custom functionality beyond core WordPress; but
  • are available on any site running the Kandie Girls theme.

Microsites can be subtle: they might be used to turn a sidebar on in a particular section without needing site-specific code but make no other chages.  They can also be powerful, turning a section into a photoblog, adding or removing menus, changing headings and even allow a completely different style sheet to be used.

Last modified: March 13th, 2013