
Edition - September, 2011

Course Review: The SACE Beginner and Intermediate Hieroglyphs course 2011

The SACE Ancient World Summer School “Beginner and Intermediate Hieroglyphs” course ran for a week in August this year. Three of those attending the course offered to write up a summary of their experiences on the course. With different backgrounds and levels of confidence they have provided an insight into their perceptions on the value and challenges of the course. Our thanks to them for sharing their thoughts. [more…]

Edition - June, 2011

Figure 22. A fragment from the tomb of Seti I in the British Museum, London

Studying Hieroglyphs Online – Some Observations

In 2009 I signed up to study the ancient Egyptian Language online through the Glyphstudy group. The Glyphstudy group is available, free of charge, to anyone interested in studying the grammar of ancient Egyptian. There are a number of groups under the Glyphstudy banner.  [more…]