
A beginner’s guide to dating the Predynastic - Part 2

A beginner’s guide to dating the Predynastic – Part 2

Introduction. The topic of relative dating was dealt with in Part 1, a previous post. A relative sequence was available for the period between the Badarian and the period when unification was thought to have taken place. However, although this sequence has formed the framework for all other sequences, no calendar dates were available.  [more…]

Simplified version of Petrie's Sequence Dates at the British Museum.

A beginner’s guide to dating the Predynastic – Part 1.

Introduction. Predynastic chronology may not be the stuff of glossy magazines and coffee-table books and for those trying to get to grips with it, it can prove to be a challenge. Many people trying to understand how the Predynastic fits together have commented on the apparently conflicting dates for the earlier Predynastic period in various different books.  [more…]